Create Appointment #
As Patient, you can easily access find clinics to make your appointment on iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile. Tap on the Find Clinic icon on the home screen to open the Find Clinic screen.
Follow the below instruction on each section to create an appointment successfully.
1. Tap Find Clinic on iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile home screen
2. There are several data that you need to input: Appointment Date, Add Service / Treatment, Define Search Filter Parameter, Set Max Budget & Set Zip Code
3. By defining all those data, iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile can help you find a clinic that most suit of what you needed
Select Appointment Date #
1. First you need to select Appointment Date to create an appointment
2. Tap on the right area next to the Date column to select the appointment date. It will show a calendar
3. Select appointment date on the calendar
4. Next step is Add Service(s)/Treatment(s)
Add Service(s) / Treatment(s) #
1. After adding the Appointment Date you need to define your service(s) / treatment(s) that you are looking for
2. Tap on the right area next to the Service column to show My Treatment screen
3. All treatment that you added will be listed on this screen
4. iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile provides two methods to produce service(s)/treatment(s) code that will be used to find a clinic, using a questionnaire and dental evaluation module.
5. Tap on Meet DR. ANNIE™/Dental Evaluation button to produce service(s)/treatment(s). Please read the Meet DR. ANNIE™ section to produce service(s)/treatment(s) using a real-time AI-based Dental Evaluation powered by DigiBrain4™. In this section, we are going to use the questionnaire module
6. Tap on the Add button to start the questionnaire screen that will guide you to produce service(s)/treatment(s) you need
7. Fill up the questionnaire until you get the service(s)/treatment(s) code
8. Tap on the Back button to go back to the previous screen
9. Tap on the Next button to go to the next page until you successfully add the service(s)/treatment(s) code
10. The screen will be back to Find Clinic screen. You can see now there is a number (1) is added next to Service
11. It means you successfully add 1 treatment/service to be used to find a clinic
12. Tap on the number next to Service to show My Treatment screen
13. All service(s)/treatment(s) you added will be listed here
14. Tap on the Clear button to clear all existing service(s)/treatment(s) on the list
15. Swipe left on one of the treatment to remove it from the list
16. Tap on Add button to add more service(s)/treatment(s) and start a new questionnaire session
17. Next step is to Define the Search Filter Parameter
Define Search Filter Parameter #
1. After adding Service(s)/Treatment(s) you need to define your search filter parameter to refine the clinic search result
2. Tap on the right area next to Search by column to show the search filter parameter provided by iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile
3. iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile provided several search filter parameter: Radius or Distance (default selection), Price Range, Facility Review, Type of Provider, Staff Review, Years of Experience, After Treatment Review, Overall Satisfaction, Treatment Coverage, and Google Review
4. Select one or more parameter as your preference
5. Tap on Select all to select all parameter, or tap on Clear all to clear all parameter
6. Tap on the Back button to save your preference and go back to the previous screen
7. Next step is Set Max Budget
Set Max Budget #
1. After adding the Search Filter Parameter you can to set your max budget to refine clinic search result based on the maximum budget you want
2. You can choose to enable or disable this feature by tapping on No or Yes next to the Set Max Budget column
3. Leave it No if you don’t want to set your max budget for the clinic search result
4. Tap on Yes if you want to set your max budget for the clinic search result. Then type your max budget nominal next to it
5. Next step is Set Zip Code
Set Zip Code #
1. After adding Max Budget you can set zip code to narrow down the clinic search area by zip code (5 digit USA or 6 digits Canada zip code only).
2. You can choose to enable or disable this feature by tapping on No or Yes next to the Set Zip Code column.
3. Leave it No if you don’t want to set zip code for the clinic search result
4. Tap on Yes if you want to set zip code for the clinic search result. Then type the zip code next to it
5. Next step is tap on the Search button to search clinic based on the information that you added above
Search Clinic Result #
1. After adding all information on the above section, tap the Search button to iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile engine begin search clinic based on your preference
2. Clinic search result screen will be opened. It’s divided into Discounted and Regular slot tab
3. iSmartOffice™ Patient offers you to get more advantages in clinic booking, which are divided into 2 (two) types of slot, Regular Slot and Discounted Slot
4. Clinic is able to announce their Regular Slot with the normal price of treatment provided or the Clinic is able to announce their low hour of daily operational schedule with discounted treatment offers, Discounted Slot
5. It is to make you feel more comfortable to use the service of the clinic, not only depends on the clinic schedule but also the treatment price
6. Next step is Book the Appointment
Book the Appointment #
1. Based on the clinic search result above, select your preference clinic and tap ‘Book Now’ to set up the appointment time
2. Or you can tap on the arrow button on the top left screen to go back to the previous screen
3. Swipe left or right on the Confirm Time screen to choose your appointment time. Then tap on the Confirm button to book the appointment based on your preferred time
4. Below is the notification screen that your appointment request has been raised
5. You and the clinic will receive an email notification for the appointment request
6. All steps in order to create an appointment is complete.
7. You can go to the Appointment screen to see your appointment status while waiting for clinic approval.