With General Manager role you can manage all clinic function on iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web.

Task List to Get Clinic Ready to Use #

Please follow below task list to make your clinic ready to use:

1. First of all please read carefully iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web requirement on Introduction section so iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web can run properly
2. Go to Overview of the User Interface to get familiar with iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web user interface for General Manager role
3. Make sure you already have clinic(s) to working on. If no clinic available on the list, ask for General Manager to add one
4. Go to Change Active Clinic section to get familiar how to change active clinic that you are working on
5. Go to General Info section to complete clinic profile
6. Go to Operating Hours section to set your clinic operating & exception hour
7. Go to Slot section to add slot (chair) to your clinic
8. Go to CDT Code List section to manage clinic CDT code list. iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web provides a list of default CDT codes that might be changed to comply with your clinic situation
9. Go to Discounted Slot Schedule section to manage Discounted Slot schedule for your clinic
10. Go to Search ProviderClinic Member & Schedule Offers for Providers section sequentially to add provider/doctor that registered on iSmartOffice™ Clinic system directly to your clinic
11. Or go to Provider Available Schedule section to post provider available schedule so applicant can apply
12. Go to Search AssistantClinic Member & Schedule Offers for Assistant section sequentially to add assistant that registered on iSmartOffice™ Clinic system directly to your clinic
13. Or go to Assistant Available Schedule section to post assistant available schedule so applicant can apply
14. Last but not least, go to Dashboard Overview section to get familiar managing upcoming appointment

Additional Task List #

By following the Task List section above will make your clinic ready to use.
Below is additional guide that you can do to enhance clinic readiness:
1. Please read Clinic Best Deal section to know more how to publish promotion & discount that can boost patient to come using iSmartOffice™ Clinic & iSmartOffice™ Patient web and mobile apps
2. Please read Marketing and Media Information section to complete your clinic profile with marketing and social media information
3. Please also read other sections on this online documentation to get more familiar with iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web as General Manager role