Table of Contents

Compensation Report page provides a list of daily collection report that has been submit by clinic.  You need to accept/reject the offered collection report on this page.

On Compensation Report page you can:

  • View list of your Compensation Report from clinic
  • Respond all new Compensation report
  • The list will be divided in to 3 section: Waiting for Approval, Accepted and Declined tab
  • All your application that still waiting for clinic approval will be listed under Waiting Approval tab
  • All your application that is declined by clinic will be listed under Declined tab
  • All your application that is accepted by clinic will be listed under Accepted tab

Accept/Decline Transaction #

1. Click on Accept to accept offered compensation report. Both you and clinic will receive email and push notification

2. Click Decline to decline offered compensation report. You will be asked to define the reason why you decline the offered transaction. Both you and clinic will receive email and push notification