This feature is used to add, edit and delete CDT Code List.
1. Click on CDT Code List from Operations menu
2. First make sure clinic is already selected. Click Change Clinic button on the top section of the page to select clinic. If no clinic available on the list, add it first using this guide : Add Clinic
3. This page is divided in to 3 sections: Single Input, List of Treatment Code and Bulk Upload

Add CDT Code List Using Single Input Method #
1. In this section we can add single input of treatment code fee.
2. iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web provides treatment code list that you can find under Treatment Code drop down list
3. To add new treatment fee, select treatment code from the list, fill the Treatment Fee and click ADD button
4. All treatment code listed on the table under List of Treatment Code section

Edit CDT Code List #

1. All treatment code listed on the table under List of Treatment Code section
2. Type something on the search column to search specific treatment code
3. Click Delete button to delete specific treatment code from the list
4. Click Edit button to edit specific treatment code

5. Fill the new value and then click Update button to save the change or Cancel button to cancel
Add CDT Code List Using Bulk Upload Method #
1. Clinic can bulk add treatment code, this tool is very useful when we have a lot of treatment code already
2. On the Bulk Upload section, first download the template that iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web provide through the “Download CDT Code Template File” link

3. It’s an excel file that clinic can fill with their existing treatment code list
4. When the list is ready, upload the file by clicking the “+ Choose File… ” button and then click the Upload button
5. Warning: this will override existing clinic treatment on active clinic
6. Every time the Bulk Upload succeed it will be logged under the table below it
7. Click Delete All CDT button to delete all existing treatment code on active clinic