This feature is used to search and view provider general information. This feature help clinic to know provider general information before assigning them as clinic member. Then Clinic can send initial practice offer email to let provider know that clinic will send them an offer as clinic member.  

1. Click on Search Provider from Manage Provider menu
2. First make sure clinic is already selected. Click Change Clinic button on the top section of the page to select clinic. If no clinic available on the list, add it first using this guide : Add Clinic
3. All available provider that registered in iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web will be listed on this page
4. It will be a huge list so Search feature will be very useful
5. Provider can be searched by their : Name, Type of Specialty, Preferred Schedule, Gender, Language Spoken, Technique Offered and Provider Group
6. Click Search button to start search provider by selected search parameter
7. Click Send Email button next to provider’s name to send them an initial practice offer email