Appointment Overview #
In the Create Appointment article under the Home section in this online documentation you already know how to create an appointment, to find the most valuable clinic based on your preference.
Your appointment needs to be responded to by the clinic. Either accepted or for some reason declined.
You can check your appointment status on the Appointment page. Go to the Appointment page from the Appointment menu.
There is 3 section on Appointment menu: Upcoming Appointment, Calendar view, and Survey section.
Your upcoming appointment will be listed under the Upcoming Appointment list on the right side of the page.
The calendar view on the left side is reflecting your appointment. And the Survey section below shows your completed appointment. There’s a survey on each of them. Please spare your time to take the survey.

Manage Appointment #
Understanding Appointment Status #
iSmartOffice™ Patient Web divides patient appointment into 5 status: Requested, Accepted, Confirmed, Completed, and Declined appointment. The confirmed appointment won’t be shown on the Appointment page.
Requested Appointment #
1. Requested appointment is an appointment that has been requested by the patient using iSmartOffice™ Patient Web & Mobile apps
2. It will be listed under the Upcoming Appointment list on the right side of the page
3. Requested appointment represented as Purple color block on the calendar on the left side of the page
4. The calendar view can be changed as a day, week, or month view. Click on the “month | week | day” tab on the calendar to change the view
5. Clinic will respond to your appointment request

Accepted Appointment #
1. Accepted appointment is a requested appointment that has been accepted by the clinic
2. You will receive a notification email when the clinic accept/decline your appointment
3. It will be listed under the Upcoming Appointment list on the right side of the page
4. Requested appointment represented as a Green color block on the calendar on the left side of the page
5. The calendar view can be changed as a day, week, or month view. Click on the “month | week | day” tab on the calendar to change the view

Confirmed Appointment #
1. At the appointment time, the clinic will confirm your arrival
2. Clinic will ask you to show the Appointment QR Code from your iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile. They will scan the QR Code to confirm your arrival. Or they will manually mark your arrival from their iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web
3. Confirmed Appointment will not be listed on this page
Completed Appointment #
1. Completed appointment is a confirmed appointment that has been completed by the clinic. The appointment has been completed
2. It will be listed under the Upcoming Appointment list on the right side of the page
3. iSmartOffice™ Patient Web will send you a notification email that your appointment has been completed
4. The calendar view can be changed as a day, week, or month view. Click on the “month | week | day” tab on the calendar to change the view
5. If you go down the page, there is a Survey section
6. All Completed appointment will be listed also on the Survey section
7. You also can find your Completed appointment on the Completed page under the History menu
Declined/Canceled Appointment #
1. There are several possibilities appointment is Declined/Canceled
2. Clinic can decline your Requested appointment. You will receive a notification email
3. On iSmartOffice™ Patient Web, You can cancel Requested & Accepted appointment. It will send a notification email to you and the clinic
4. Declined/Canceled will be marked as Declined/Canceled under Upcoming Appointment
5. You also can find your Canceled appointment on the Canceled page under the History menu
Cancel Appointment #
1. There are 2 ways to cancel an appointment in iSmartOffice™ Patient Web
2. On the Appointment page click the Cancel button next to the appointment schedule under Upcoming Appointment

3. Alert message will be shown after you click the Cancel button
4. iSmartOffice™ might deduct your points by canceling less than 12 hours from your appointment time. A zero balance point might lead to your iSmartOffice™ account to be locked until points added
5. Click No, I’m having second thoughts to keep the appointment
6. Click Yes, pretty sure to continue to cancel the appointment. iSmartOffice™ Patient Web will send an email notification to you and the clinic

7. Another way to cancel your appointment is from the Edit Appointment page on this page
8. Look for your appointment on the calendar on the right side of the page
9. The calendar view can be changed as a day, week, or month view. Click on the “month | week | day” tab on the calendar to change the view
10. Click on the appointment that you want to cancel to open the Edit Appointment page

11. You can find your appointment detail on the Edit Appointment page
12. Click the Back button to go back to the previous page
13. Click the Cancel Appointment button to cancel the appointment. iSmartOffice™ Patient Web will send an email notification to you and the clinic
14. Note: iSmartOffice™ might deduct your points by canceling less than 12 hours from your appointment time. A zero balance point might lead to your iSmartOffice™ account to be locked until points added

Prepaid Appointment #
1. You can pay with prepaid for your appointment in iSmartOffice™ Patient Web
2. On the Appointment page, look for your appointment under the Upcoming Appointment list
3. This feature only available for Accepted appointment
4. Click the Payment button next to the appointment to open the Prepaid Payment page

5. On the Prepaid Payment page fill up all required information
6. If you have enough Points, you can use it to purchase the best deal (Please read the article Manage Profile section iSmartOffice™ Points to know more about Points)
7. You can combine the purchase using Points and Credit Card
8. On “Do you want to use your point?”, click the Yes button to enable purchase using Points or No button if you want to purchase using a credit card only
9. Click the Cancel button to cancel and go back to the previous page
10. Click Pay Now button to execute the payment process and iSmartOffice™ Patient Web will send you a purchase detail into your registered email

Take a Survey #
1. If you go down the page, there is a Survey section
2. All Completed appointments will be listed also in the Survey section. You will receive a notification email of your Completed appointment
3. You will be asked to spare time to take a review for the clinic. By filling out the survey you will get Points that can be used on various activity in iSmartOffice™ Patient Web & Mobile apps (Please read the article Manage Profile section iSmartOffice™ Points to know more about Points)
4. The survey is a Clinic Review survey based on your latest experience on the appointment
5. Click on the Take Survey button to start the survey for selected appointment

6. On the survey page, fill up the survey and click the Submit button to submit the survey

7. By submitting the survey it will send a notification email to the clinic that you already review their latest appointment on their clinic.