The Dental Assessment Module is a real-time, AI-based dental needs assessment that helps people seeking help identify their dental needs and provide a report (score) of their dental health. In addition, this module also assists people with more detailed analysis of dental treatment options. The results can be presented to the user for review by the dentist (dental professional) during the visit. The Dental Assessment module is powered by Dr. ANNIE™, FMBODS and DigiBrain4™.
In the iSmartOffice™ portal demo, as a patient and dentist, you can easily access Dental Assessment to complete your dental assessment. To open the Dental Assessment page, click Dental Assessment in the main menu.
Dental Assessment iSmartOffice

Type demo1.iSmartOffice.ai followed by your email address. Leave the name of the doctor unchanged.
- Step 2

Input of supporting data for the dental assessment of the patient.
- Step 3

Keep the package list as the default package.
- Step 4

Load all the necessary images, including the Dentist Craniofacial Classifier.
Requirements for the images:
- Image size can’t be too small (<200 pixels)
- Blurred images are not well recognised by DR ANNIE™. Some clarity is a must (not perfection, just clarity).
- Images must be 3 channel RGB, single channel, 256 colour palette images are not accepted.
- Please follow the orientation of the picture. Only PNG or JPG format will be accepted.
- Step 5

Lesion in dental photography: To get good assessment results, 5 images can be entered. (Intra Oral Right, Intra Oral
Front, Intra Oral Left, Upper Teeth, Lower Teeth)
- Step 6

Lateral Cephalometric (lateral head X-ray): Input of lateral cephalometric images with a clear image quality, so that
the evaluation process and the results are good.
- Step 7

Add image Frontal-Cephalometric necessary.
- Step 8

Add 2 image Occlusogram (use the same upper and lower Occlusogram photographs)
- Step 9

Add a dental panoramic image if needed.
- Step 10

If necessary, add a bitewing image.
Once the patient’s data and image have been entered, please check that the data that has been entered is correct so that the results of the assessment can be optimised.
Once all the data has been entered correctly and accurately, press the ‘Submit’ button to continue with the assessment process.
- Step 11

Assessment results can be viewed on the Assessment Results page. To view the full assessment results, press the
‘Action’ button and select ‘Detail’ and ‘Lateral Ceph Point’ from the drop down menu.
- Step 12

To view the result (after about 15 minutes), log on to: [email protected] with Pass1234 as password. When
the result is ready, you will also receive an email notification.
- Step 13

The detail page displays several reports from the assessment results that produce several reports: Problem List, Treatment Rationale, Case Assessment, Soft Tissue & Dental Ceph Findings, Skeletal Ceph Findings, Lateral Ceph & Findings, Sequence Worksheet, and Assessment Result.
- Step 14

Sample Report Lateral Cephalometric Tracing and Measurements
Guidelines for Acceptable Dental Medical Records
- Dental photographs should be taken in accordance with the patient’s tooth template. The photo should be as close to the tooth as possible. It should not show too much of the face. It is best to ask someone else to take the dental photo for you and not to use selfie mode.
- Keep the focus and lighting clear.
- Ensure that the image is of good quality and in JPG/PNG format (preferred) if you are uploading an image from an existing image. The file size is usually between 500kb and 1MB. For processing speed, please avoid uploading image files larger than 2MB.
- If you are submitting radiographs or X-rays, make sure that there is sufficient backlighting to allow the camera to see the X-rays clearly. The same recommendation also applies to the uploading of readily available x-ray images, as described in point 3 above.
- Uploaded images must be dental images (teeth, facial images or dental x-rays). Any manipulation of the system to upload images that are not part of the dental health record may be subject to legal action.
- Dr ANNIE™ AI has the right to reject images that do not comply with the recommendations set out above.