Dental Assessment module is a real-time AI-based dental needs assessment to help people seeking help identify their dental needs and provide a report (score) of their dental condition. Furthermore, it helps clinic build some foundation knowledge about their patient dental care. Clinic can show the result to review at patient visit. Dental Assessment module is powered by DigiBrain4™.

As Clinic you can easily access patient Dental Assessment on iSmartOffice™ Clinic web.  Click on the Dental Assessment on the main menu to open the Dental Assessment page.

Clinic eligible to manage patient dental assessment when patients have made an appointment using their dental assessment result. All those Dental Assessment(s) will be listed under Dental Assessment page. It will be grouped by patient name.

View Patient Dental Assessment #

1. To view patient Dental Assessment click on “Dental Assessment” button on selected patient under Dental Assessment page
2. It will open Dental Assessment page for selected patient
3. All Dental Assessment for selected patient will be listed under this page

Create Patient Dental Assessment #

1. To create new Dental Assessment for selected patient, click on “+ DENTAL ASSESSMENT” button on Patient Dental Assessment page
2. On CREATE DENTAL ASSESSMENT screen there are several data that you need to input : Assessment tittle and required patient dental picture for assessment submission
3. Fill assessment tittle on “Assessment Name”
4. There are 11 patient dental pictures that you need to provide for assessment submission. Its represented on each number under the Create Assessment screen
5. Click “+Choose file…” button to upload picture from your computer. It will be displayed on Create Assessment screen

6. Provide all 11 required patient dental pictures to complete create assessment preparation 
7. Tap on SUBMIT button to submit the assessment
8. Our AI-engine powered by DigiBrain4™ will assess your new assessment. Whenever its complete it will be available under Dental Assessment for selected patient page


View Patient Dental Images #

1. To view dental images for selected patient, click on “Images” button on Patient Dental Assessment page
2. It will list all dental images for selected patient. All images coming from completed Dental Assessment
3. To delete image, click on “Delete” button on selected image

Add Patient Dental Image(s) #

1. To add new image for selected patient, click on “+ ADD IMAGE” button on Patient Dental Assessment page

2. Select image type from Image Type drop down list

3. Pick on image date from Image Date column
4. Click on “+ Choose file…” button next to Upload Image column to upload image from your computer
5. Click on “ADD” button to submit the new image for selected patient