How to Find Clinic?

Use iSmartOffice™ Patient to find clinic around you based on your own preferences. You can also make multiple appointments at a time.

In iSmartOffice™ Patient, you can use the same service(s) with a different dates of appointment requested, and you might also get the list of discounted slots and regular slots.

Please keep in mind that iSmartOffice Patient will display the name of practice on the list of the regular slots, and the name of practice will be hidden if you choose the list of discounted slots or set the maximum budget. Or, you will get the dental clinic list from Google if iSmartOffice™ Patient is not available around you or your selected area. Before making an appointment, make sure you will attend the appointment after the clinic accepted your appointment request.

Please read the Find Clinic section in this online documentation to find a clinic based on your own preference.