As a Patient, you can easily manage your profile. It is available in iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile under Profile screen. Log in using iSmartOffice™ Patient account first to access all features then tap on the Profile icon on the home screen to open the Profile screen
Patient General Information #
You can find your general information under the Personal tab on the Profile screen.
1. Tap the Profile icon on the top left Homescreen to open the Profile screen
2. Please complete your general information on this screen
3. Tap on the back (left arrow) icon on the top left to go back to the home screen
4. The data will be automatically saved every time you switch screen
Patient Address Information #
You can find your address information under the Address tab on the Profile screen.
1. Tap on the Address tab on the Profile screen
2. Please complete your address information on this screen
3. Tap on the back (left arrow) icon on the top left to go back to the home screen
4. The data will be automatically saved every time you switch screen
Patient Other Information #
You can find your other information under the Other tab on the Profile screen.
1. Tap on the Other tab on the Profile screen
2. You can find your Point Reward and current location on this screen
3. There is a Point system in iSmartOffice™ Patient mobile & web apps
4. As a patient you will get a point reward every time you complete an appointment. An additional reward point will be given every time you rate a completed appointment
5. For now you can use your points for purchasing Best Deals and paying your prepaid appointment
6. Tap on the back (left arrow) icon on the top left to go back to the home screen