History Overview #
As Patient, you can easily find your history of your appointment and the best deal. It available in iSmartOffice™ Patient Web and will be listed under the History menu.
The completed appointment will be listed under the History > Completed menu.
The canceled appointment will be listed under the History > Canceled menu.
Purchased Best Deal will be listed under the History > Deals menu.

Completed Appointment #
You can find all your Completed appointment on the Completed page under the History menu.

Canceled Appointment #
You can find all your Canceled appointment on the Canceled page under the History menu.

Best Deals #
Using Purchased Best Deal #
1. All best deal that you purchased will be listed under the History > Deals menu
2. Go to History > Deals menu to open your purchased best deal page

3. It might be a lot of lists, so search your deals on the search column on the page
4. You need to print the deal detail to use it. Click the Print button next to the deal name to open the print preview page of the deal
5. Deals that have been used marked as Deal Expired under the status column and it can not be used again
6. New deals marked as Available for use under the status column and you can print it
7. Click the Back button to go back to the previous window
8. Click the Print button to print the deal
9. On the appointment schedule, ask the clinic front desk to scan the printed bar-code to validate and use your deal
10. The deal valid for single use only