This feature is used to manage provider compensation on selected clinic. This feature help clinic to submit provider compensation on selected clinic on specific day. Provider Compensation requires provider acceptance.
1. Click on Provider Compensation from Manage Provider menu
2. First make sure clinic is already selected. Click Change Clinic button on the top section of the page to select clinic. If no clinic available on the list, add it first using this guide : Add Clinic

3. There are 3 tab on the page: Waiting Acceptance, Accepted and Rejected tab
4. New Provider Compensation that waiting provider acceptance will be listed under the Waiting Acceptance tab
5. Provider Compensation that accepted by provider will be listed under the Accepted tab
6. Provider Compensation that rejected by provider will be listed under the Rejected tab
Add Provider Compensation #
1. To add new Provider Compensation, click Add New button
2. Fill all required information to add Provider Compensation
3. Click Save button to save all information and send an acceptance email to provider and clinic
4. Or click Cancel button to cancel

5. New Provider Compensation that waiting provider acceptance will be listed under the Waiting Acceptance tab

6. Provider Compensation that accepted by provider will be listed under the Accepted tab
7. Provider Compensation that rejected by provider will be listed under the Rejected tab
8. Under Waiting Acceptance tab, click on Manage button next to the compensation to show additional function
9. Click Resend email to resend email notification to provider
10. Click Delete to delete the compensation

Manage Rejected Provider Compensation #
1. Clinic need to check rejected Provider Compensation by clicking Manage button to show additional function
2. Click Delete button to delete Provider Compensation and add new later
3. Click Edit button to edit Provider Compensation

4. Provider might give a reason of rejection when rejecting the Provider Compensation. Clinic can check the reason on the rejection email
5. Please kindly check the email rejection in SPAM folder too
6. Fill all required information on Edit Provider Compensation form to update the Provider Compensation
7. Click Cancel to go back to previous window
8. Click Save to update the Provider Compensation and send new acceptance email to provider and clinic

9. The updated Provider Compensation will be listed back to Waiting Acceptance tab