Home Overview #

As Manager you can easily access general function of manage clinic on iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web homepage. Manager has almost the same capability as General Manager except for adding new clinic.
Manager can not add new clinic. If there’s no clinic on the homepage there are 2 possibilities.
First, they are not a Clinic Member of any clinic. Then they need to ask General Manager to add them as their Clinic Member. The second is their General Manager has not added any clinic yet. If so, they need to ask General Manager to add one and assign them as Clinic Member of the clinic.

Below is default homepage of Manager role on iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web.  It’s still empty so let’s add a new clinic on Add Clinic section.
All existing clinic will be listed on this page. On the upper section of the page is a place for selected clinic and its general information (clinic name, address and location map).

Change Active Clinic #

iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web has various features to help Manager manage their clinic. Each clinic may have different data to be add or manage by iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web feature. So Manager should be noticed to always check current active clinic (current selected clinic) on opened page before managing their clinic.

Active/Selected clinic can be found on the top section of each page. Its located under “You are working on this clinic”.
1. Click Change Clinic button to change Active/Selected clinic
2. It will open Homepage where we can change Active/Selected clinic

2. On Homepage, click on Action button next to Clinic name
3. Click Operation or Dashboard to make selected clinic is Active/Selected
4. It will saved as your Active/Selected clinic on all session iSmartOffice™ Clinic Web page until you log out or change it again