This feature is used to add, edit and delete opens slot schedule on selected clinic. Basically Discounted Slot Schedule will give a discount price to a specific slot, at specific time. This way may attract more patients in off-peak hour.

1. Click on Discounted Slot Schedule from Operations menu
2. First make sure clinic is already selected. Click Change Clinic button on the top section of the page to select clinic. If no clinic available on the list, add it first using this guide : Add Clinic

Discounted Slot Schedule will be listed on the left side of the page.
Calendar view is also available on the right side of the page.
The calendar view can be change as a day, week or month view. Click on “month | week | day” tab on the calendar to change view

Add/Edit Discounted Slot Schedule #

1. To add Discounted Slot Schedule, click Add button
2. Fill all required information to add open slot schedule

3. Click Save button to save all information
4. Click Back button to cancel
5. Below is the page look like after adding several Discounted Slot on selected clinic. The coloring block on the calendar reflect added Discounted Slot Schedule

6. Click Edit button to edit selected Discounted Slot Schedule
7. Edit slot information then click Save button to save information, Delete button to delete or Cancel button to cancel