As Patient, you can easily find the history of your appointment and the best deal. It is available in iSmartOffice™ Patient Mobile and will be listed on the History screen.
Completed Appointment #
You can find all your Completed appointment under the Complete tab on the History screen
1. Tap on the History icon on the home screen to open the History screen
2. Your Completed appointment will be listed under the Complete tab
3. Completed appointment with a yellow star next to it means the appointment is complete and has not been rated
4. Completed appointment with a blue star next to it means the appointment is complete and has been rated but not completed yet
5. Completed appointment without star next to it means the appointment is complete and has been rated completely

Rate Completed Appointment #
By giving rate for every completed appointment, you will get a point reward redeemable to be used on the next Best Deal purchase and Prepaid Payment (Please read the article Profile section Patient Other Information to know more about Points).
1. From the previous section above we already know the meaning of the star icon next to the completed appointment
2. Rate completed appointment is 2 things: Rate its rating value/number and What factor that affect your rating
3. New completed appointment will be marked as the yellow star, so you need to tap on the yellow star icon next to it to rate

4. Rate your experience on the screen, its rating value/number for the appointment
5. Tap the rating based on your preference
6. The yellow star icon is changing to a blue star

7. You need to rate again the appointment based on “What factor that affects your rating”
8. Tap on the blue star icon next to it to rate
9. Rate your experience on the screen, its “What factor that affects your rating”
10. Tap the rating based on your preference
11. The blue star now is gone. It means you rate the appointment completely. It will send a notification email to the clinic that you rated

Canceled Appointment #
You can find all your Canceled appointment under the Cancel tab on the History screen.
1. On the History screen tap on the Cancel tab to view the canceled appointment list
2. You can tap on the phone icon to call the clinic
3. Tap on the location icon see the clinic location on the map application in your device

Purchased Deals #
You can find all your Purchased Deals under the Deals tab on the History screen.
1. On the History screen tap on the Deals tab to view the purchased deals list.
2. You can tap on the green QR icon for the detail