Profile Overview #
As Patient, you can easily manage your profile. It available in iSmartOffice™ Patient Web and will be listed under the Profile menu.
Your general information will be listed under Profile > General menu.
Your address information will be listed under the Profile > Address menu.
Your insurance information will be listed under the Profile > Insurance menu.

Manage Profile #
Patient General Information #
You can find your general information on the General page under the Profile menu.
1. Go to the General page under the Profile menu

2. Please complete your general information by filling up all required information on the General Information page
3. Click Save & Next button to save the data and open the Address page
iSmartOffice™ Patient Points #
1. There is a Point system in iSmartOffice™ Patient Web and Mobile apps
2. As a patient you will get a point reward every time you complete an appointment. An additional reward point will be given every time you rate the completed appointment
3. For now you can use your points for purchasing Best Deals and paying your prepaid appointment
4. You can find your point reward on the General page

Patient Address #
You can find your address information on the Address page under the Profile menu.
1. Go to the Address page under the Profile menu

2. Please complete your address information by filling up all required information on the Address page
3. Click Save & Next button to save the data and open the Insurance page
Patient Insurance #
You can find your insurance information on the Insurance page under the Profile menu.
1. Go to the Insurance page under the Profile menu
2. There is 2 section: Claim Form & Insurance Info section
3. You can download available fill-able claim form under the Claim Form section
4. Fill your email on the provided column and click the Send button. iSmartOffice™ Patient Web will send all available insurance forms to your email

5. Please complete your insurance information by filling all the required information under the Insurance Info section
6. Then click Save and Update button to save and update your insurance information
7. Click the Delete button next to the existing insurance name on the list to remove the insurance information