This feature is used to offer schedule to provider on selected clinic. Only provider clinic member that can be offered on this page.
Please read Clinic Member to add provider clinic member.
By sending a schedule offer to provider, their schedule will be listed under Provider Schedules page on selected clinic. New provider schedule availability on the clinic depends on provider’s acceptance.

1. Click on Schedule Offers for Providers  from Manage Provider menu
2. First make sure clinic is already selected. Click Change Clinic button on the top section of the page to select clinic. If no clinic available on the list, add it first using this guide : Add Clinic

3. There are 4 tab on the page: Added, Sent, Accepted and Cancelled/Rejected tab
4. Added schedule offer will be listed under the Added tab
5. Sent schedule offer will be listed under the Sent tab
6. Accepted schedule offer will be listed under the Accepted tab
7. Cancelled/Rejected schedule offer will be listed under the Cancelled/Rejected tab

Add/Edit/Send Schedule Offer #

1. To add Schedule Offer, click New Offer button
2. Fill all required information to add Schedule Offer
3. Click Save & Next button to save all information or click Cancel button to cancel

4. Next step is checking provider schedule for conflict, before clinic can send an offering email
5. The window will automatically open Provider Conflict Calendar page
6. The calendar view can be change as a day, week or month view. Click on “month | week | day” tab on the calendar to change view

6. Green block (New Schedule) reflect the provider schedule that just added. Blue block (Existing Schedule) reflect existing provider schedule
7. If there is any conflict on the schedule, editing the schedule is very handy
8. Drag and drop the color block to move the schedule (change the calendar view to week or month to get wider view)
9. Resize the color block to utilize start and end time of the schedule
10. Click Send Offer button to send schedule offer to provider right away. It will sent an acceptance email to selected provider and clinic
11. Click Delete button to delete the schedule offer. Deleted schedule offer will be listed under Cancelled tab on Schedule Offers for Providers page
12. Click Close button to edit the schedule offer later. It can be accessed later under Added tab on Schedule Offers for Provider page

13. On the Schedule Offers for Providers, click Edit button to check provider schedule for conflict
14. Click Delete button to delete and cancel provider schedule offer

Send Schedule Offer to Provider #

1. Sending Schedule Offer to Provider can be done right away when clinic add Schedule Offer to Provider in above section
2. Unsent Schedule Offer to Provider will be listed under Added tab on this page
3. Click Edit button to check provider schedule for conflict

4. Then click Send Offer button to send schedule offer to provider after clinic checking schedule offer for conflict

5. All Schedule Offers for Providers that has been sent will removed from Added tab and will be listed under Sent tab
6. Click Action button next to a schedule offer under the list
7. Click Delete to delete schedule offer, it will cancelled and dropped the schedule offer and sending a cancellation email to provider and clinic
8. Click Force Accept to make the schedule offer automatically being accepted without provider acceptance and sending acceptance email to provider and clinic

9. All accepted schedule offer will be listed under Accepted tab on Schedule Offers for Providers page. And they schedule will be listed under Provider Schedules page on selected clinic also

10. All rejected schedule offer will be listed under Cancelled/Rejected tab on Schedule Offers for Providers page