This article will guide you as Assistant role in iSmartOffice™ Provider Web completing your profile. It can be access from Assistant menu.

Assistant Profile #

1. This will guide you to complete your basic information as assistant

2. On the iSmartOffice™ Provider Main page, click on Profile from the left menu or GO HERE on the PROFILE section on the middle page 

3. On the iSmartOffice™ Provider Profile page, fill up all required information and then click SAVE & NEXT button

Assistant Background #

1. This will guide you to complete your background information as assistant
2. After you open Profile page, click Background on the left menu to open Assistant Background page
3. Under Assistant Background page, fill up all required information and then click SAVE & NEXT button

Assistant Experience #

1. This will guide you to complete your experience information as assistant
2. After you open Profile page, click Experience from left menu icon to open Assistant Experience page
3. Under Assistant Experience page, fill up all required information and then click SAVE & NEXT button

4. Click NEXT button to Add/Edit Available Working Schedule