All your application for opening schedule that you applied on Opening Schedule page will be listed on Doctor Applied Schedule page. Access this page from left menu Approval > Doctor Applied Schedule.

On Opening Schedule page you can:

  • View list of your application for opening schedule at all clinic
  • Cancel applied opening schedule

The list will be divided in to 3 section: Waiting for Approval, Accepted List and Declined List section

  • All your application that still waiting for clinic approval will be listed under Waiting Approval section
  • All your application that is accepted by clinic will be listed under Accepted List
  • All your application that is declined by clinic will be listed under Declined List. If clinic accept other candidate it will automatically declined your application

You will get notification email when clinic accept / declined your application

All accepted application will be your current schedule that can be viewed on Current Schedule page.

Cancel for Applied Opening Schedule #

There is situation that you cancel your applied opening schedule. To cancel the applied opening schedule, click Cancel button next to the applied schedule. It will send notification email to you and the clinic.